HCI Data Ltd
Cost to Register a .gov.uk, .gov.wales or llyw.cymru Domain Name
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Costs to register a .gov.uk, .gov.wales or llyw.cymru domain name

Town Councils, Parish Councils and Community Councils (Cyngor Cymuned)


From 1st November 2020 the cost to register a .gov.uk domain name will be £119.00 plus VAT for two years

From 1st November 2020 the cost to register a .gov.wales or llyw.cymru domain name will be £119.00 plus VAT for two years

Register a .gov.uk, .gov.wales or llyw.cymru domain name.

The initial registration of a .gov.uk, .gov.wales or llyw.cymru domain name lasts for two years. At that point, the .gov.uk, .gov.wales or llyw.cymru domain name will need to be renewed.


From 1st October 2023 the cost to renew a .gov.uk domain name will be £95.00 plus VAT for a further two years

From 1st October 2023 the cost to renew a .gov.wales or llyw.cymru domain name will be £95.00 plus VAT for a further two years

The renewal of a .gov.uk, .gov.wales or llyw.cymru domain name lasts for two years. It can only be renewed for two years. At that point, the .gov.uk, .gov.wales or llyw.cymru domain name will need to be renewed again.

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Last Updated: 25-Aug-2024
HCI Data Ltd.
HCI Data Ltd is a member of Nominet UK - the UK Internet Names Organisation HCI Data Ltd is a member of the Federation of Small Businesses